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    We are trust, because we are more professional


    Commissioned by the environmental protection facilities
    Operation mode


    Investment - upgraded
    Operations - transfer mode


    Construction investment
    Operations - transfer mode


    Industrial park comprehensive
    Environmental services model


    Technical solution - procurement - building


    Sewage treatment technology products


    Sludge overall solution

    Smart water

    Wisdom of water with cloud computing, big data, Internet and mobile applications for the technical basis, in combination with the practical situation of water supply enterprises, the operation of the organic integration of the water companies information, facilities, human resources, etc., the huge amounts of information based on scientific model to analyze in time, in a more scientific and careful way know water system of the production, management and service, so as to make the enterprise into a more "wisdom".

    Hardware devices

    Regional water supply pump station

    Energy conservation and environmental protection, save a space

    Intelligent control water supply system

    Intelligent device, the APP remotely

    The integration of urban drainage precast pumping station

    Energy saving efficiency and equipment operation stability

    More equipment >


    MORE >


    With our clients to establish friendly relations of cooperation

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